February 27, 2009

Playlist Du Jour

So, on my other blog I do a song of the week. Sometimes I get impatient for the week to be up so I can post a new song. Sort of funny considering the fact that I'm probably the only person that pays attention to that. I am also apparently the only person that pays attention to this blog. However, I am posting a current playlist of songs that have been on "heavy rotation" if you will, for me lately. Music is my catharsis. So here it is. Pay attention to the Robert Plant/Allison Krauss duet, from the album Raising Sand that Trent tuned me into this week, as well as the MGMT that Tyler tuned me into a couple weeks ago. Completely different sounds from these songs, but both are awesome. Also, I wanted to post the Beatles' version of You Really Got a Hold on me, because despite my love for Smokey Robinson, their version is the one I've been feeling lately. However, I decided to post this dang sweet one by She & Him and kill two birds with one stone. Introduce you to a sweet band and post a song I've been listening to a lot. Enjoy!

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