October 03, 2008


I created this blog as a venue for my musical musings. I don't know if I will ever tell the world about it, I may just let it be a place for my thoughts to spill out in the form of whatever song is in my head at the time. These songs are my journey, this blog is to help me figure out where it is I'm going.

From the moment I first began listening to The Hush Sound's album Goodbye Blues I was in love with it. It is an astounding masterpiece. Its only been in the past week however, that I've truly fallen in love with the song Hurricane. It started with last Sunday when I had one line of it stuck in my head, the one line that got me moving through Sunday when I didn't think I'd survive. First thing Monday morning I had to turn it on and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since.
There is a beautiful vulnerability to the song, a sweet honesty to her lyrics and music. The piano, of course, is masterful, the quiet way the guitar comes in, as the steady murmur that quietly sneaks into your mind, and the drums, as if it is the gentle beating of her heart, that moves her from city to city, hoping for calm and quiet.
This song breathes with the reality of her emotion, I absolutely cannot stop listening to it.

0 bits of brilliance: